Wednesday, 28 December 2011

New writer! ♥ Darby01

Hey everyone! I'm the new writer, Darby! My Stardoll username is Darby01 (click to go to my suite, a new window will be opened). I am very happy to be writing for Centre of Stardoll, and it would be great if you could comment and give me feedback!

Hope you're having great holidays, Darby! ☺ xx


  1. Well congartulations Darby! Well done! You have a nice doll too! Jealous of the hat by the way :P Wish I got it when I could have but I wasn't superstar :( Well have a nice time at Centre of Stardoll!

  2. great job on coming in to write:)

  3. Ahhhh glad to see one of our posters posting for a major blog!! :) It might get us some more followers (JOKES) W2G Darby!
