Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Free flower

You just have to host a party in this link


  1. This was part of a spoiler a while back, wasn't it? Along with a lot of other Beauty and the Beast items. Anyways, just today I got the 'ball' invitation. Anyone going to watch it in the theatres, 3D and everything?

  2. It was a spoiler wasnt it yeah? We also got something similar last year only it was pink :D But this one's three'd so its better, I like it better too! It would be better if you madde the link 'clickable' if u know what I mean! I am a lazy ass and I really couldnt be bothered copying and pasting but I will do it :D

  3. Hey Loominguline! The invitation came out today and i as going to post it hahah there (In UK I suppose) you get it when you log in, but i have to use a proxy :(

  4. Yeah, I'd prefer if you made the link so all we have to do is click it and we're at the page lol. Otherwise, good post.

  5. Looks a bit boring to me... Ahh well, at least you don't have to use proxies...
