Tuesday, 23 August 2011

2 new staff members at COS!

Thats right, we have 2 new staff working for us, ALSOO they're one of my best friends :D

onion8 and megzi10

As you might have noticed, onion8 has already been mentioned in this blog as "Miss COS of the Month" well she's came to work with us!

onion8 is Aine
megzi10 is Maeve. :)

Give them a warm welcome! :D Have a good time working at COS Maeve and Áine!

So now there is 4 of us!

Cherry..xo (me) Megan
miss_caraghm61-Caragh (also my cousin :D)
megzi10-Maeve (One of my best friends)
onion8-Áine (One of my best friends)

Hope you enjoy them! :D